Of the Month 2023

In 2022, we thought it would be good to celebrate life in the reserve and so chose a number of different trees and birds to create a ‘Tree of the month’, ‘Bird of the month’ and ‘Flower of the month’. A chance to learn about the different trees and bird species for yourself. We are continuing with these in 2023.

Please select a choice from the options below:


January 2023The Woodpigeon
February 2023The Tawny Owl
March 2023The Dunnock
April 2023The Blackcap
May 2023The Chiffchaff
June 2023The Magpie
July 2023The Bullfinch
August 2023The Chaffinch
September 2023The Nuthatch
October 2023The Coal Tit
November 2023The Jackdaw


January 2023The Spanish Fir ‘Glauca’
February 2023The Holm Oak
March 2023The Blackthorn (Sloe)
April 2023The Weeping Willow
May 2023The Silver Birch
June 2023The Beech
July 2023The London Plane
August 2023The Swamp Cypress
September 2023The Ash
October 2023The Cut Leaved Beech
November 2023The Turkey Oak


January & February 2023The Common Snowdrop
March 2023The Daffodil
May 2023Green Alkanet
June 2023Garlic Mustard
July 2023Stinging Nettle
August 2023Bindweed
September 2023Greater Burdock
October 2023Bramble
November 2023Hart’s Tongue