Have you seen the bird of the month?
For September it is the: Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)

Where can I find them?
They are common and can be found around most areas of the reserve.
You may see them foraging along the ground or looking in trees and cracks for food.
About the species
The Wren is one of the smallest bird species to be found in the reserve. They are lively and constantly on the move.
They are brown in colour with a distinctive small chestnut-coloured tail which is sometimes cocked up vertically.
Their diet is mostly spiders and insects, however they have been reported to eat Tadpoles as well!
During the colder months, they can sometimes be seen foraging along the ground at our bird feeding stations, however they do not feed from the feeders.
Harsh winters can cause numbers to drop and by providing some mealworms you may be able to help them. They have also been known to use a bird box to roost and to stay warm in overnight.
The average life span of a Wren is two years. They live alone or in pairs during the nesting season.
The species is on the UK amber list, meaning its population and conservation status is of moderate concern.
What do they sound like?
For such a small bird it has a remarkably loud voice. They make a trill call, which becomes an angry chatter when an intruder, human or otherwise, passes through their territory.
Where do they nest and what is the nest made from?
Male Wrens establish their breeding territories in early spring, each proclaiming
ownership through a surprisingly powerful song and are known to defend it well from other males.
Male Wrens will build several nests, normally out of moss and lined with leaves, with the female inspecting each in turn to determine which, if any, she wishes to use.

If you manage to photograph a Wren, within the reserve, why not share it on our Facebook page?