Why adopt a tree?
I guess if you are reading this item then at the very least you are interested in trees, or know someone who is. We marvel at the size of trees, their longevity, the hope they give us in spring , the shade they provide us in summer, the colours in autumn and stark beauty in winter. In short a gift for all seasons.
Vinters Valley Nature Reserve is blessed with many fine trees, from 500 year old yew trees to young saplings; from veteran and exotic trees, to self-sown native trees and man-made coppice woods.
At the reserve, we love our trees and we want the people who visit the nature reserve to get to know them too. What better way for this to happen than for local families to adopt a tree and make it a family member. A family tree perhaps?
How much to pay & how do you adopt your tree?
Everyones finances situation is different and we continue to live in difficult economic times. We therefore ask adopters to give what they can spare when adopting a tree. Maybe you are adopting a tree to mark the birth of a child or grandchild, to celebrate a marriage, anniversary, friendship, or some other memorable event if yours or someone elses life. So please chose a sum which reflects the reason for the trees adoption and decide if you wish the adoption to be for a year, two years, five years, ten years or more.
All funds raised will go directly to the running of Vinters Valley Nature Reserve, ensuring the trees long term future and annual care. As a suggestion a donation of maybe £1.50 per month, might be appropriate, but please chose a sum which you are happy with. If you pay on a regular basis you can continue adopting the tree for as long as your monthly / annual payments continue. Alternatively you can make a “one off” payment to cover a stated period of time. You chose which you would prefer.
Adopters will receive adoption papers about their individual tree and information about its species, a certificate and free membership to the Friends of the Reserve scheme..
If you would like to adopt a tree please click here to request the “Adopt” form.
Once complete, please return it to the address provided on the form.
Thank you to everyone who has already adopted one.