Regular visitors to the nature reserve who use the ‘school footpath’ will know that for nearly ten years the reserve boundary fence in this area has shown its age, with many sections slowly collapsing, after years of service.
Earlier this year we were approached by BAM Construction UK to see if we had any projects we required assistance with, as part of their community assistance program, in celebration of 150 years since the company was first formed, in the Netherlands.
We are pleased to say that last week on the 28th & 29th November a number of BAM staff volunteered to help us replace a 100 metre section of this fence, with the company also supplying all the materials for the new fencing project :-).
We are always very grateful for all the support the nature reserve receives from everyone in the local community, who are most generous in ensuring that we can survive and provide a home for wildlife and a place for us all to appreciate nature.
So a big ‘thank you’ to the team from BAM Construction UK, you did a great job guys.