We all love feeding the ducks & the other wildfowl at Vinters.
To help ensure they get a more balanced diet here are a few tips on what is the best food you can feed them when you stop by the lake:
Food safe for ducks
- Birdseed (any type or mix)
- Chopped lettuce or other greens or salad mixes
- Chopped vegetable trimmings or peels
- Grapes (cut in half)
- Frozen peas or corn (defrosted, no need to cook)
- Rice (cooked or uncooked)
- Cracked corn, wheat, barley, oats, or similar grains
- Duck pellets
- Earthworms or Mealworms
Food not so great for ducks
- Bread / Crackers / biscuits / Crisps / Popcorn / Chips
(With thanks to the Canal & River Trust for this information)