Please remember that as Vinters Valley is primarily a Nature Reserve it cannot be treated in the same way as a park and requires special care and attention from all of our visitors, to help maintain the reserve as a safe home for our wildlife and to ensure peace, harmony & enjoyment for all visitors to the nature reserve. To assist in this aim, we would ask that all dog walkers follow these sensible guidelines:
- Please keep control of and have sight of your dog(s) at all times. A dog which is out of your sight is out of your direct control
- When close to the lake area, dogs should especially be under your full control
- If walking your dog(s) off the lead, your dog(s) must obey a “recall command” & return to you immediately when called. They should also be able to respond to simple commands, such as: “Sit”, “Stay”, “Leave” & “Down”
- Dogs must not jump up at people uninvited
- If you own, or are responsible for a lot of dogs, please follow commonly accepted advice and don’t walk more than four dogs at a time
- Always clear up after your dog and dispose of your dog’s poo responsibly in one of the dog bins provided, either at the lake or main entrances (or take your dog’s poo home with you)
- Please do not use the reserve to throw tennis balls for retrieval. The outer skins from tennis balls are being discarded and these are a danger to wildlife and a nuisance
- Please support the reserve, by becoming a friend of the reserve and financially contributing to the upkeep of the reserve – we suggest a donation of £1 a week (or monthly / annual equivalent) for regular users of the reserve (you can request the donation form from our website)
With your help, Vinters Valley will remain a safe haven for a wide range of wildlife for many years to come. We also welcome you keeping us informed when you see other visitors inflicting damage on the reserve, or acting in an anti – social way.
Steve Songhurst
Reserve Warden