COVID-19 Update – April 2021
Once again, we are asking visitors to adopt sensible practices when visiting the reserve so that we can allow the reserve to remain open, to meet all our physical and mental needs at this difficult time.
We would recommend the following measures to add that extra layer of protection for everyone, when visiting the reserve:
- Please remember to social distance at all times, keeping at least 2 metres (or 6 feet) apart from other visitors, or family groups.
- In areas where the paths or steps are narrow, allow others to pass safely before you travel along the path or steps yourself. Please make use of passing places where you find them and if necessary wear a face mask
- Please continue to pick up any dog poo your dog may produce whilst walking in the reserve. Leaving it for others – particularly children – to step on, creates further health hazards. However, we suggest that visitors either wear a disposable glove, or use a stick to open the lids of the dog poo bins. If you are uncomfortable using the poo bins in the reserve, then please take your pet’s ‘doggy deposits’ home with you
The Bargrove Road entrance has now been reopened as a two way system, but please allow others to pass safely.
We thank you for your continued support in these unprecedented times and would ask that for the safety of everyone that all visitors to the nature reserve.